While I was at the pet shop getting some things for my Sophie I saw this toy I wanted to get her. This is a present she can play with me now or wait till Hannuka. She cannot wait. Right away when I put it down for her she wanted to play with it. It looks like she does not need me to play with it with her.
It has a handle that I can hold it and wave it at her so she will jump at it or I can lay it on the floor and she can have fun herself with it.
Cats always love such toys. It’s also a great exercise for them.
Thanks ellie925. She loves when we play with it. Since it does not make noise we can play with it on our Sabbath. She loves things like that.
I have one similar with feathers and my cats like it too.
Does the one you have with feathers have a ball on it too? She also loves feathers. She has one with feathers and a ball and she took the ball off and plays with it when it is around.
I played with Sophie and her new toy during Hannuka. She really loved it.
I entertain my Sophie by making sounds and moving my arms around and she follows them.
Whatever it takes to keep our pets entertained.
So so true Ghostwriter and I agree with you on that.