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Dogs Ready For Adoption

It has been a week that my furry white dog didn’t come back after jumping off our fence. I felt bad about the situation and tried to roam around my neighborhood to no avail. Then, a friend told me to search in the local Dog Impound Center. Without a doubt, I took off with my friend to see the place.

When we got to the Dog Impound Center, I was so overwhelmed that there are so many canines in the cages. I must admit that the canines are well-pampered by the people-in-charge. Unluckily, my dog cannot be found. One of the animal caregivers informed me that I can adopt one of those dogs. I was a bit skeptical about the idea. However, I had thought that it is also nice to adopt a dog.

I managed to ask the process of having an adoption of dogs and I realized that it wasn’t that difficult to accomplish the requirements. It is also practical to adopt an animal than spending huge money on high breed dogs. The shelter caters breed dogs too. They are like humans wanting to be adopted.

If I am going to decide on the adoption process, I must have the following requirements:

1. certification in local government unit with a seal;

2. certification that there is no objection and complaints from his or her neighbor and local government unit on regards of raising a dog in the residence;

3. certification should be addressed to the city veterinary office;

4. payment of registration fee; and

5. payment of the dog’s stay in the shelter.

Based on the requirements listed above, it is considered the easiest way to extend the lives of canines that are not claimed by the owners. After this, you can choose a dog that would be catered and considered a new member of the family.


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11 Points

Written by Steven Gamboa


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