I truly found the majority of my audience. They really are not here on this site. So that is who I should be considering what and when to write. The people I enjoy here, and there are a lot, I can keep enjoying and do what ever I can to be helpful to them, including sharing their work and sending direct links to others. As far as the others, no reason to engage unless they rain on my parade.
I won’t be bullied and I will keep reminding as long as neccesary. I will respect the wishes of others as I always have.
I have not stopped my resolutions and accountability, I just stopped published them and my true audience missed them. So There is no reason to be run off. I will not be a chicken! Instead I will choose to do as the site requests and report if someone refuses to respect sincere requests.
Question of
So are you surprised that I refuse to ignore those who support me?
Question of
Does “To thine own self be true” mean anything to me?
Question of
Is anyone else ready to have some fun?
People calm down, why is this verbal double. Here we are having fun. Everyone has the right to publish what he wants. Anyone who likes and likes the post will comment.
Finding your audience is hard. that is why I started the movers on virily project. I wanted to know who was really moving my posts (thank you again, as a mover you help me!).
I am proud of you!!!!
This post was written about the people off of this site that reached out to me. It had nothing to do with the people on this site. If this needs to be translated for all please do so.
Let me clear. I am requesting that you never respond to any of my posts in any manner. I am requesting that you not write about me or what I write. I am requesting that you leave me alone, today, forever and always. I will be happy to do the same for you. Please truly be done.