It’s one of those days. He’s not happy and is confused. Things are uptight and the same questions are being repeated over and over again. “If you had it to do over again would you marry me?” To me it seems a useless question. We can not roll time back. I have no way of know what my life would have been like if I hadn’t married him. Today, it’s stuck in his mind and he asks about every seven minutes. I keep giving an consistent answer becomes sometimes that helps. This time nothing seems to be helping. “Are you happy?” Sure, I am very tired today and still I am happy. I don’t have it to do over again so it doesn’t matter.
Same questions, same answers, same struggles. Infinity.
Question of
Do you just keep answering?
Question of
Do you leave for awhile?
Question of
Do you become upset?
Question of
Do you start to question yourself?
I know the reality is that frustration sets in. The constant asking, the same question over and over, eventually it becomes impossible.
But it isn’t impossible. It is possible. You will survive!
Thank you! Yes I will and today brings a different challenge. It’s take brother back to the hospital – it gives me a break from the question lol. Thanks for all you do for me.
you are most welcome, and ditto