Glacier National Park Headquarters (6/6)

Glacier National Park Headquarters is at almost the same elevation as Lake McDonald, so there isn’t a great deal of snow yet. However, there was apparently enough for some kids to build some snowmen on a picnic table. It looks like they’ve created a snowman family and are working on the third one. 

You can tell a lot from a picture like this. For example, I can tell that the temperatures here have been hovering at right around freezing. How can I know that? Because for the snow to roll up in order to make a snowman, the snow needs to be wet. If the temperature was much below freezing, it wouldn’t be the right consistency for building a snowman. If it was much warmer, the snow would melt.

You can also see the tracks made when the snow was rolled up, which means that it hasn’t snowed since they began making the snowmen. This picture was taken at 8:45 am, so these kids got an early start at their crafting.

Written by Rex Trulove