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Drawing of my Nephew and His Son Noah

Many of you know that my nephew died around a week ago. I thought I would try to draw a picture of him. I found a picture of John, and then I tried to put a small drawing of his son beside him. Now, his son is without his daddy, but I know that his daddy will be watching over him from heaven.

This is the original picture

He was so happy being a dad, and was looking forward to the summertime when he could take his son to the park. This is such a sad thing that has happened. I wanted to try to draw him, in honor of his life. His mom knew instantly that it was John and Noah, so that made me proud of the drawing.

PhotoMania Effects-Inkwash

This one is Magic Star

This one is Called Napkine

This one is called Red lights

Hope you enjoyed the show.

PhotoMania has many great special effect options. I thought I would try a few of them. I thought maybe you all would enjoy them too.  Have a great rest of the day.


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12 Points

Written by LaJenna