
Confirm good~ My Happiness List

Ellie has begun a new challenge called “My Happiness”. Click the details link and here are the rules …

List your favorite quotes or think they will help you go through rough times. I add a second topic if you do not like the other. You can make both lists. The second topic is: Things I can do to improve my life and be happier. Rules

Make posts with topic (s) for this week.

Publish in the Challenges tab

Use hashtag #myhappylist

Which is the worst habit of the mind; what is this thing that causes conflict, disappointment, loss, anxiety? Our worst habit is ingratitude. Absence of gratitude for the received blessing and courtesy. Gratitude contains within itself the emotional and spiritual attitude of happiness, freedom and contentment; Thanksgiving really fixes things. It changes us; changes us entirely. And so it changes our world.The Path of Perfect Health requires us to show our sincere and active gratitude. Try to be grateful for a week; for a day, for an hour at least. Observe the results. You will be surprised by the changes that will occur in you, in your health, in your relationships, in your career – literally throughout your life.Confirm the good things in your life; watch how they get more and more. Behind all this is the irrevocable and undeniable Law of Thanksgiving. The Law of Thanksgiving requires us to express it not only in words. Everyone can find a way to express their gratitude for action. It is enough not to confuse gratitude with flattery. One is sincere, the other is not. As Dale Carnegie writes: “One comes from the heart, the other slips through the teeth.”

The photo is personally my tapestry embroidered by me “Jesus the Blessing”

© 2018 -Elenka Smilenova  All Rights Reserved


What do you think?

Written by lacho59