Hear that chirping? On a seventeen-year-cycle in different regions of North America, three species of the Magicicada genus stage their mass invasions. Their chatter dominates the summers, but what do you know of what they’re chattering about?
May the New Year start with fresh joys and and a life filled with peace. May you getwarmth and togetherness and prosperity too. Happy New Year!
Question of
There are more than 2,000 species of the family Cicadidae, and cicadas are represented in every continent of the world except Antarctica. Cicadas with a seventeen-year life cycle are a little rarer. Where can these species of Magicicada be found?
Southern Africa
Southern Mexico
Southeast Asia
Eastern North America
Question of
Apart from their longer lifespan, do seventeen-year cicadas behave differently from annual cicadas?
Yes. They choose a different type of site in which to lay their eggs.
Yes. They “sing,” whereas annual cicadas do not.
Yes. They move more slowly and are easier to catch.
Question of
In the insect world, seventeen years is an extraordinarily long lifespan. Where do cicadas spend the majority of their lives?
Atop high trees
Burrowed inside tree trunks
In low shrubbery and undergrowth
Question of
Near the end of their lifespans — just before their final molt — periodical cicadas emerge, en masse, nearly simultaneously. Millions of insects appear over the course of a few days and dominate the outdoors until their disappearance several weeks later; their descendants will emerge seventeen years later. What is the name given to a synchronized cicada population?
Question of
In the final step before a cicada becomes an adult, it must molt, leaving a golden-brown exoskeleton behind. What color is a newly-molted cicada?
Pale green
Red with black polka dots
Question of
There is only one thing on the minds of newly minted adult cicadas: the opposite sex. Male cicadas make loud chirping noises to attract the ladies; in fact, when a chorus of male cicadas is chirping together, the noise has been measured at 100 decibels! How do male cicadas chirp?
By clicking tongue against beak
By vibrating granules in the abdomen
By flicking wings against a tree branch
By rubbing two ridged membranes (tymbals) together
Question of
When two cicadas have successfully paired off, the male dies happy (or at least, we assume so) and the female sticks around long enough to lay up to 600 eggs. Where does she deposit these future cicadas?
On the underside of dead leaves
Inside fruits and berries
In small underground nests
In living twigs
Question of
In the fullness of time, the cicada eggs hatch. What is the first thing that the newborn nymphs do after emerging?
They fly from flower to flower, collecting food.
They burrow deep into the heart of a tree.
They drop to the ground and burrow below the surface.
They roam the ground, searching for decaying leaves to eat.
6 out of 8. Good quiz!
Good quiz I only got four correct.
Cicadas are amazing, and I can tell you with certainty that when they are molting one should not go outside early in the morning to water plants unless one is prepared to see what looks to be a prehistoric miniature dinosaur skeleton type thingy sitting eye to eye with you on a branch upon turning around at a break of trees. It’s a really spooky experience.
We had these one year and they drove me crazy. They are so loud!!
I never heard of cicadas until I came across this quiz Carol! Are they common where you stay?
Very nice quiz! I got 5 out of 8