My two sisters and one brother are left handier, and now my elder son is a left hardier. So, I have a little affiliation with left handier. Left handed persons are only 10% of the population, and as a minority, they have to face many problems. My son always complaint about the bother of sharing the desk with a right handed class fellow. The left handed persons are more intelligent, more creative, and emotional as well best performer in sports. In the past, the left handier were considered handicap and everyone around him tried to correct him. But, it was a wrong way. Because of disregarding the natural cross-wiring of the brain and create a difficult situation for left handiers. And they couldn’t feel natural and comfortable.
Question of
Are you a left handier?
Question of
Have you any left handier in your family?
Question of
Do you think a left handed person is more intelligent than a right handier?
I’m right handed, 🙂 ………
Interesting poll! I’m right handed, although I think that my left hand is stronger while my right hand is more precise.