Due to the lockdown that caused restricted travels, it is very noticeable here that the air got cleaner. The morning smog seemed to have vanished that we now can see the mountains in the nearby town. That clearly shows the cause of the pollution which can be attributed to the smoke emitted by vehicles.
Another approach for cleaner air is to plant more trees. Since plants and trees give off oxygen and they inhale the carbon dioxide that we exhale it is like a perfect co-existence because our output is their input and vice versa. For the rural areas, it is easy to launch a campaign of planting trees because there are vacant lands to use. But in the city, I don’t think planting trees is still possible.
Do you plant a tree?
over the course of 100 years trees will consume between 1 and 1.1 tons of Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere.
One whale will take 35 tons of carbon dioxide to the bottom of the ocean when they die, all of that taken out of the atmosphere.
Save the whales save the world!
We need to plant lot more trees