Thursday, April 9, 2020
While browsed on Youtube, I checked out some videos about a Puma named Messi in Russia. He is well-behaved puma, more behaved than most house cats. Gumby acts up all the time. I think Messi is trained like a dog. He is big like a dog, but still a cat. He is cute for a domesticated wildcat.
#1 Моем грязную пуму.
Cute video about a Russian man bathing and grooming his pet puma Messi. This wildcat is well-behaved. If I try to bathe Gumby, he would go crazy. But Gumby doesn’t need a bath because he lives indoor. The puma even acts like Gumby on a big scale. He is annoying the man to wake up and feed him in the morning. He acts like a huge kitty cat, except Gumby jumps and furniture and knocks of items off table to get my attention.
#2 Прогулка с пумой Месси. День рождения Саши
#3 С днем рождения, пума Месси! Happy Birthday, Puma Messi!
Puma Messi’s birthday. He needs an indoor cat tree…oh, he has a cat house. They should donate their toilet paper to America. I guess toilet paper for a puma is like yarn ball for a house cat. It looks like he created his own birthday confetti to celebrate...
The cute hairless cat with sweaters. I would put cute clothes on a hairless cat, too, because it looks cold.
aww wow soo cute!!!!!!