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Iowa Caucus Mess

Give them some credit. They got part of it right. People read the signs and went and stood in corners to be counted and went through at least two rounds. After that things went south.  Let’s see, they had a new app that they were using but no one tested it. (There is a lesson to be learned there.)

They had a back up phone system. It’s not clear if the phone didn’t work or the people who answered the phone didn’t know what to do with the information.

Now if Bernie won, no problem. Solcialist are happy. Everyone gets to be a winner.kEveryone can take home a trophy. Someone else has to pay for every thing and all is well in the world.  Everyone else in the group may have issues, but the socialist will be fine. I would suggest they go to Venezuela and celebrate with people who think like them. Problem solved.

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Written by Ghostwriter


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  1. I love American politics. I like how the candidates fight for the votes in different states and once the primaries are over they have to face the president of the United States. I watch it with interest from Spain as I have cable television. However, most of the states are already inclined to vote Trump and other states such as California or New York are going to vote democrat. As a result, the candidate who really can beat Trump in the undecided states is Joe Biden. I think the fight for the democrat nomination and the fight for the White House are going to be really interesting. I do not live in the United States but I really like American politics.

  2. someone did test that application for many months before it was used.

    I suspect as we consider what was tried, that we should step back and applaud what was done.
    yes it struggled,
    but it brings us closer to one citizen, one vote.

    truly, instead of the opinions of politicians. we get the will of the people.


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