Bayer and Monsanto appeared to be out of the woods in regards to litigation until 2020 because they have delayed settlement negotiations within the USA. However, the conglomerate neglected to deal with litigation in Australia. In the Land Down Under, a farmer in the New South Wales filed a lawsuit against Bayer and Monsanto last week.
The farmer has been using the weed killer Roundup in his field for over 40 years. However, he was never notified by Monsanto that Roundup contains a carcinogen called glyphosate. Last year, he contracted non-Hodgkins lymphoma due to the cancer-causing chemical in Roundup.
Now, the lawsuits filed against Bayer and Monsanto have increased to 18,400 worldwide. However, their lawyers will have to go back to work with new litigation in Australia.
their stall tactics can still blow up in their face, but meanwhile that stuff is still on the shelves
They are still waiting on a US Supreme Court hearing before going forward. It’s probably the same reason why Virily hasn’t restored the create button yet.
the FDA can impose a ban on roundup pending investigation. but retailers can simply refuse to stock it, without any government involvement whatsoever
yet it is still on the shelves…
I wonder how Bayer will handle all these lawsuits. I imagine he will have a hard time surviving this.
They are looking to secure a mass settlement, but that has been delayed until 2020.
Bayer is highly regarded in Europe, my friend
Bayer is a great company, but they should have not bought Monsanto. Bayer manufactures some of the best pain relief and aspirin on the world market. Aspirin and weed killer does not mix together.
I agree with you, my friend