Before my leg was finally amputated, the high-care dressings nurse, used to apply some very costly colloidal-silver dressings to my foot wound. This was extremely effective and my foot was healing in leaps and bounds. One day I saw the hospital administrator talking to her about my costly dressings and shortly afterward she told me about the administrator’s decision to use cheaper dressings. She assured me that this would not happen on her watch.
She then came to my bedside at different hours with some of these “special dressings”. One night I asked her to tell me how she was getting them and she said that all “real” nurses have little mercy networks and that this is how she got them for me. I thanked her but said that she was to please stop, risking her career on my behalf, I could not live with that burden.
She replied I was absolutely worth it, (how wonderful was that) She told me: “When a patient is ill and appreciates the caregiver, sometimes the doctor won’t order enough pain medication. If the patient is suffering, we’ll sometimes give “more” than what the doctor said and ask him later to change the order. People will probably howl now that I’ve said it out loud, but you have to give your patient the very best care you are able to.”
PS: Sadly, I was transferred to another hospital that had never used these Colloidal-Silver dressings at the time and eventually my leg-was amputated, an extremely life-changing experience…
Have you had an experience like this?