In the picture is the tent in our village’s gate. The purpose is for vehicles to stop so the tires can be sprayed with disinfectant. Obviously, the procedure is against the covid-19 virus so that the invisible enemy cannot freely enter our village. It is a nice gesture to have a tent for spraying but is it really effective?
One farming enthusiast said that they do the spraying of the tires in the farms especially in piggery and poultry to disinfect the vehicles. That is in protection of the livestock against bacteria and possibly virus. But with the village in a suburban town, the vehicles are coming from the main road. They are running fast so if there is a virus on the tires, for sure they will already be dead.
Do you have a spray tent there?
Yeh, maybe.
But, I have heard that these virus molecules are very sticky little creatures, and can stay stuck to stuff for days.
Better to be safe, than sorry, I guess.