
The Snow Leopard

Snow leopards are beautiful cats. The snow leopards have a smokey-grey coats. The patterns camouflage the cats. Their eyes are very distinct in color. The fur on their bellies are extremely thick and long. It helps to keep them dry and warm in snowy terrain. These cats live in the highlands of Central Asia.

The long furry tail of the snow leopard serves more than one purpose. It is about the same length as the body of the leopard. It gives the cat balance in the rocky and steep terrain. It also serves as a muff to keep warm. It wraps around the nose and mouth.

Snow leopards are shy. Their reaction to humans is to hide and wait for the cover of darkness. Most of the information is gathered from game cameras. They are poached often because every part of their body serve as key ingredients in traditional Asian medicine.

These cats are excellent hunters. They typically attack from behind and make a quick kill of their prey. They are very protective of their cubs and teach them how to fend for themselves. Over all the cats are solitary. The only time they are social is during mating season and the cubs leave as soon as they can fend for themselves.

Chuffing is the only vocalization that snow leopards make. They can not roar. The sound they make is more of a comforting sound to the cubs.

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Written by Ghostwriter

One Comment

  1. Oh my gosh I did it again – that is not a yes – no I meant – do you know what snow leopards eat. Not that it matters because VERY FEW PEOPLE BOTHER TO TAKE A POLL! ?