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The benefits of the lowly guava

The guava is a tropical fruit that is mainly for snack usually by the kids. In the olden days, the guava is the most popular fruit because it can be picked from the tree since many homes have the guava tree in their yard. But aside from eating the fruit right from the tree, the common use of the guava is in cooking a dish called Sinigang. It is usually fish that is cooked in soup flavored with ripe guavas.

The guava leaves are also coagulants that it stops blood in a cut. That is the reason why the guava leaves is good for treating wounds by boiling it in water and using the water to wash the open wound. The boiled water of guava leaves is also good for taking a bath of a woman who recently gave birth. Unfortunately the guava only grows in tropical countries so those in the temperate zone are deprived of the wonderful fruit.

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Written by Alex Socorro

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