This is my submission for the Monday Macro.
The bounty and the beauty of a flower lies in its heart. The petals give color and shape, but it its the heart that holds life and love. It holds the flower together and hangs on to life long after the petals have faded and fallen to the ground.
The courage and strength the heart displays is to be seen to be believed. It stands alone, untouched, unloved, rain or shine until it has produced seeds that are ready to bring a new generation of plants on the Earth.
It is the heart that really maters, it is the heart of the matter. The beauty is in the heart.
Question of
Do you thin k there is some truth in what I say?
1 Yes
2 No
Question of
Colorless and pale still the heart is beautiful , right?
1 Yes
2 No
Yes I do agree, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Thank you Carol, I know you enjoy nature very much.
Very successful and beautiful macro.
Thank you Lacho, macros are fun.