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Six Simple Ways to Adjust an Attitude

Big news, every day is not perfect and you may want some quick ways to get your attitude adjusted so you can simply move forward. When simple adjustments become habits you can add more and have an arsenal of great choices. Here we go!

Do something different than what you’ve been doing.

Sometimes the most obvious things evade us. If you have tried to adjust the same way three times and it has never worked, do something different. Stop banging your head on that same old wall.

Change your surroundings

This is easier that one might think. Clean up and move the furniture. Simply add a plant to your desk. Put up a new window shade of some kind. Hang a new picture. Paint a wall. Get a different rug. It doesn’t have to be huge to make an impact. 

Learn something new

Curiosity is a gift and a blessing. So use it. When you have that little “I wonder” go through your head, go ahead and find the answer. You will have accomplished something that you didn’t even know you were truly missing.

Question yourself

This is one of my favorites because is sneaks up on me and makes me laugh. All of the sudden I realize that I have given my control and happiness to someone else to take care of. How silly is that. Happiness comes from within. 

Catch your thoughts

Thousands of thoughts float through our heads every day. Start paying attention and catch a thought as it goes by. Is it one you want to keep and ponder or one that needs to let go of with love.

Write out how you’d like to be

Start small and ensure success. Here are some simple things to get you going. For the next ten minutes I am going to choose to focus on happy memories. For the next ten minutes I am simply going to move about and try and used every muscle in my body. (Start with wiggling your toes, they might be something that gets ignored!

#happy trials (yes I spelled it that way on purpose)

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11 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. I have many wonders and half of them aren’t checked…
    so maybe now I can get more of them answered 🙂

    Nice list! Thanks for the reminder