We have family drama in our home every day of the week. It just “happens”. Today it was all about a quote. I found a quote that I thought was fabulous and I decided I wanted to paint it on some barn wood I had and make a sign from me office.
I gathered my supplies on started the project. So I told them what I was doing. Then came all the question. “Can’t you remember it? Is that why you have to hang it on the wall? Don’t you think there is a better use for that board? Who said it? What if the person who said it was really stupid. “
“Hey, we don’t use the word stupid in my office so zip it or leave.”
So of course, they insist that I learn about the person who I am going to quote. So I guess my education is about to begin just so I can have some inspired decor.
Question of
Does your family ever have drama?
Question of
Do you ever just give up and do what they ask?
What if the person was really stupid… Really? ? It was just a quote. ?
Strange reason to start a debate, but it wasn’t a big deal after all.
The second question could have used sometimes. Over the years we have both walked away a few times.
I have no dramas because they prefer to withdraw to avoid drama