With the implementation of the law on the no-garage, no-new-car policy, the government agency will be having a hard time. How can they determine if the buyer of a new car has a garage at home or none? Would they check the location to see for themselves? Another issue is the bribery that the land transport agency officials are susceptible to accept bribes. The purpose of the law is good but the implementation would be a problem.
The culture in the city and suburbs is to use the road for the parking needs of the residents. Buying a small lot and building a house that occupies the entire land would leave no parking space for the car. Worse, some families have more than 1 vehicle that they just park on the road. The residential villages would become a virtual parking lot sooner or later if that law is not fully implemented.
Do you have a garage at home?
I am looking an empty plot , Is that one is empty at your place ?