I’ve been intimately involved in vineyards for more than 5 years. This is the recent pic of mine Vineyard (Grape Farm) that I clicked today. I have eaten vast numbers of grapes each and every year and enjoy everyone.
I like some varieties much more than others. I don’t like fake-grape flavors that often show up in soft drinks and jellies, but those made from real grapes are okay.
Grapes are mainly categorized into three types such as red, green, and black/blue colour. They are a wonderful source of micro-nutrients like copper, iron, and manganese, all of which are important in the formation and strength of the bones.
As per my experience, I would like to tell you that to achieve grapes optimal sweetness level they have to receive the right amount of water and the right amount of sunlight, at the right times.
On the whole, yes, it’s a perfectly fine fruit. I just like growing & eating grapes.
Have you ever visit to Vineyard?
Do you grow your own grapes? Amazed to see the views you receive for your posts even though you do not share them. Well done.
Thanks for kind words…?
I have visited many vineyards. Always enjoy the visits.
Thanks for your response…?