

MORE ABOUT PARAPHRASING TECHNIQUES According to New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, the American economy is doing exceptionally well based on GDP and falling unemployment. In this case, the writer put Paul Krugman’s ideas into their own words, but still gave credit for them by naming him as the source. 

This is required when the ideas aren’t considered general knowledge available to all. Because Krugman is an expert in economics, these ideas are his and should be cited as such. Common facts like historical dates and general information do not need to be cited. For example, you would not need to get an encyclopedia post to substantiate what you wrote about the Battle of Gettysburg which ended on July 3, 1863, or about the earth revolving around the sun. These are established facts accepted by all and do not require sources to be mentioned. 

Be Clear and Concise When writing a report or a research paper, your paraphrasing techniques should be of a high standard in order to present relevant information in a concise, clear way. Practice putting facts and figures into your own words, and be sure to cite sources in the format required by your instructor, and you’ll have no trouble getting your point across without worrying about plagiarism.

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