I almost always have music playing. It soothes my soul. I brings memories. I find new music. I dance. Music is a big part of my life. Music is not just something I enjoy, it is a big part of my lifestyle.
This morning was listening to a random playlist. A beautiful deep an unexpected voice came booming in my ear. I was taken back to the day that I last saw my mom before she passed away. It was in a nursing home and we had taken her on a gurney to the rec room so she could hear my sister play the piano. She couldn’t or wouldn’t talk. She would hold and squeeze my hand. She weighed forty pounds. My sister was playing all of our favorites and was just sitting next to Mom and holding her hand.
When my sister got to How Great Thou Art my poor little Mom mouthed every single word, she didn’t have the energy to sing. I have never been more proud of her.
Today, this came on, and I was right back in that rec room with my Mom.
Question of
Do you ever have a memory so strong that you are right back in that moment?
Question of
Does music play a big part in your life?
Question of
Does music “soothe your soul”?