
Love ItLove It

Joy is..

Joy is seeing a smile on the face of your loved one.

Watching a bud become a bloom.

a feeling when you are done writing the last line  of your work with the satisfaction of having put your heart into your writing.

It is pure joy to see your art reflect the exact emotions in your mind.

Joy is to see the rainbow in the sky  and believe in the promise of life.

Joy is when the sweat of your brow turns into  the reward it deserves.

Perfect joy is to experience freedom in thoughts and action.

Joy is to be who you are born to be.

The ultimate joy at the end of life is being able to pass on without regrets.

Joy is to have found the purpose of your life.

Enjoy this journey called life at every stop it pulls up at and carrying it through the rest until you reach your destination.

Profound joy is seeing the light in the heart of another.

  • Do you find joy in living everyday life?

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Written by Dawn

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