Is this the largest flag.?

People around the world celebrate their national and religious days in different ways. Everyone want to do something special on this happy and memorable occasion. In the same way, every year on the independence  day of Pakistan, something new must happen.

This is the picture of Khayber Agency which is part of KPK. On August 14 on the happy occasion of independence day, local people organized a rally and waved one KM large flag in that rally. That was the unique way to celebrate independence day.

Khayber Agency is located just close to Afghanistan border, and a few years back it was just like a headquarter of extremists. But security forces of Pakistan did a great job and cleared all this area from the control of extremist.

  • Question of

    Is the people of your country also do something special on national days.?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Have you ever seen such a long flag.?

    • Yes
    • No


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Written by SRShah