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I’m Not Normal, I Am Extraordinary

And so are you. Everyone has something good qualities. Sometimes they are buried very deep and you have to dig deep into their heart  to find them. That’s what the card said that my Dad sent. It was a card that he made. I appreciate this thoughts. I saved it to open on this very day. I am really glad that I waited until this evening.

Tomorrow is another 14 hour day at work. I need to get rested and prepared. I am going to try and be in bed by 10:00 pm. That would give me a good five hours of much needed sleep.

  • Do you feel extraordinary today?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. I feel extraordinary today as days pressures me. Documents review is four days to go and out of five docs I was able to finish 3, started the fourth while doing the other documents needed. Tough week today.

    Stay extraordinary my friend!