I was so looking forward to the time when I had 1000 posts here. I thought by then this would be my home and I would feel at home here. I blew right past it sometime and didn’t even notice. That is kind of well, sad. I looked up and it said “Viewing 10 posts – 1 through 10 (of 1,018 total)12…102→” No one had noticed, not even me.
While it may not be all I had hoped for, there have been some fun times. I have learned a few hard lessons. I had hardened my heart towards reaching out and meeting new people. I take no one at face value any longer. All that I lost be being here, still there is value.
Question of
Is Virily like a home to you?
Question of
Have you lost hope here and gained a little back?
Question of
Do you feel lonely here?
This site and Mylot.com is a wonderful site to share some good news stories.
I didn’t really enjoy mylot much.
My lot does have a five dollar level to be paid for discussing issues.