
Facial expressions

I love monitoring. I monitor people’s faces when they can’t see me. I notice that it is becoming increasingly fashionable to control facial expressions. In a civilized society, it is indecent if your face shows frustrations or other discouraging facial expressions.

Reality seems to be too harsh for people, they need reality dampers to feel good. The extreme consequence of such dampers is the Hollywood smile. People wearing these expressions remind me of Victorian furniture.

If thoughts affect facial expressions, I’d like to know what those people think then. Most likely, such a person does not like himself.

Facial expressions are predetermined by psychological states, which opens up vast areas of exploration. Interesting people have authentic facial expressions. 

I know people are not stupid, people just want to make this world better. Some strive to be more beautiful than they are, others better than they are – all with the noble goal of making the world unrealistic because it is better.

Is it natural to resent the ugly and ignorant people? Is it natural to desperately repair some streets before the president arrives and hide the beggars out of his sight?

Zealously going in this direction, we approach the properties of man-made things: smiles become like the clown mask of McDonald’s, and behaviors – the motions of a machine to whom life is given by electricity, not their own desires. It seems sometimes to such people is safer to be or pretend to be a thing. 

© Fortune, 2019

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