
Excursion in nature

Deliblatoan sand was made by the winds of the ice age, which applied layers of sand and sediments of the Danube and other Banat rivers. Because of the great variety of plant and animal life and the rosy wind, which makes the air more healthier than Zlatibor, Deliblatska peščara was declared the Special Nature Reserve.

In the “European Sahara”, there are about 900 plant species (Banat peony, steppe peony, sarpet, almond, apricot, virgilian oak, alkaline, white lime, acacia, black and white pine …), and the animal world consists of sandy insects and various species of birds (eagle crucifix, steppe falcon, fluid, blind houses and steppe jumps …), and forests such as wolves, deer, deer and wild pigs are also present. With the desire to further develop tourism in the Deliblatska sands, and visits to the Devojački bunar, the association “Serbia for Youth” organizes on 23th June 2018 day trips, with lots of fun, laughter and positive energy, for young people and all those who feel so. Quite enough reason to join them!

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Written by Branka Drobnjak