
Allergy – if you do not know how to protect your health

Pet hair, dust mites, mold and other allergens that exist in your home can irritate your airways and cause you or your loved ones to sneeze or runny nose often.

They can even be dangerous for people with a history of asthma or allergies. So, you need to learn ways to minimize the amount of these components in the air, such as using a weekly vacuum cleaner or researching the use of indoor air filters.

Remember to change your sheets and pillowcases often, preferably washing them with hot or warm water. Even the stuffed animals in the room need to be “bathed” periodically because it is the ideal place for the dust mites to hide.

If a family is allergic to animal hair, it is better to isolate the animal to a separate area. You can store some allergy medicine in the house to use when you see signs of allergy.

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