work in progress (2/2) List item Submitted to "Frame Arms Girl – WIP" Approved by Alex Ledante February 21, 2019, 3:02 am 30 Views 7 Votes 7 Comments Share Tweet Pin I have got to UV map those arms, they look nasty right now MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by Alex Ledante facebook pinterest twitter 7 Comments Nice curls, like goldilocks but darker. 1 Shirley Temple’s aunt, the one with an engineering degree… Your character could be nicknamed “Big Hands”. 1 face the Handyman! Handywoman? Is that even a word? I guess Handyman and Handywoman are words that do pass the Wordgirl education test. 1 well if they’re good enough for Wordgirl then they’re good enough for me Wordgirl is a character created by Dorothea Gillim based on her childhood experiences learning meaning of words. 1
Wordgirl is a character created by Dorothea Gillim based on her childhood experiences learning meaning of words. 1
Nice curls, like goldilocks but darker.
Shirley Temple’s aunt, the one with an engineering degree…
Your character could be nicknamed “Big Hands”.
face the Handyman! Handywoman? Is that even a word?
I guess Handyman and Handywoman are words that do pass the Wordgirl education test.
well if they’re good enough for Wordgirl then they’re good enough for me
Wordgirl is a character created by Dorothea Gillim based on her childhood experiences learning meaning of words.