What are those dogs doing? (8/10)

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Taken in the early spring of 2017, this deer is standing at the edge of our yard on the west side of the house. She is intently curious about the neighbor’s dogs. This is a young doe, no more than two-years-old and she is on her way to the river for a drink. 

Notice how lightly she is standing on her front feet and how her rear feet are forward to support more of her weight. From this position, she can easily pivot and jump in any direction, should the neighbor’s dogs manage to come at her. (They didn’t.)

Written by Rex Trulove


    • Yes, Indeed. She is also fully aware of me, but to her way of thinking, I posed no threat at all and the dogs might. They are little dogs…chihuahuas…but she wasn’t taking any chances. To be fair to the dogs, they weren’t even aware that the deer was there. They were playing with each other.
