rough sketch (2/2) List item Submitted to "Technique Study – POC" Approved by Alex Ledante March 28, 2018, 6:32 am 37 Views 6 Comments Share Tweet Pin it was late and I was tired, leave me alone MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by Alex Ledante facebook pinterest twitter 6 Comments I’m glad you like it, someone should 2 Who doesn’t like it? Me. I went overboard with the scribbling 1 I can so relate to what you are saying. You are definitely an excellent artist. 1 Now if I could only get some art directors to agree with you You have to have a starting point. In the darkness of the night is where your inspiration comes from perhaps. 1 the darkness between my ears is where it ultimately comes from 1
You have to have a starting point. In the darkness of the night is where your inspiration comes from perhaps. 1
I’m glad you like it, someone should
Who doesn’t like it? Me. I went overboard with the scribbling
I can so relate to what you are saying. You are definitely an excellent artist.
Now if I could only get some art directors to agree with you
You have to have a starting point. In the darkness of the night is where your inspiration comes from perhaps.
the darkness between my ears is where it ultimately comes from