What a cute little house and property. This was before we had laws that required you to build big. At one time you could build a small house and live in it. Times are changing with the new tiny house movement though, why do we need such big houses anyway? In California they go by county to county, some let you have a small house, others have size limit requirements. A lot of small houses are not permitted in a lot of counties here in California, and the owners have to tear them down if they don’t meet the size requirements. In San Diego County the minimum size requirement is 350 feet. Although they did just pass a Granny Flat law, you can now have a small house if you have enough room in your yard. It’s pricey though, the permits are super high priced, and you have to get several. You even have to file a permit to file a permit. Seriously..
Well, all I have to say is that I certainly hope that none of these types of residential laws ever come here in Canada. At least I do not think we have of this here. I hope so.
I had never heard of a “no” small house law. What the hell is that all about?
Money, is all. I wanted to build one a few years back for my desert property. They told me if they let people build small, what would happen to the median house prices. They’d fall. I replied with, “Well that needs to happen!”