Robin Williams (4/4)

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Submitted to "Quote Challenge #1"

A man who brought so much laughter and joy to us, kept so deep sorrow inside. Still, those words are true, regardless of his lost of fate in his own words and beliefs. He has changed the world making it better, or at least more joyful place, than it was before he came to the stage of life. His sudden death made us recognize desperation behind laughter. 

Now, it’s time to nominate great three people who will continue this Challenge. Being here, on Virily for a few months, I couldn’t say that I know many of you wonderful people. So, I was lucky enough to find those three.

JennaC was the first who accepted my invitation. A stay at home mom of a 4 boys who is still in love with her husband! You have to admit that is a rare quality those days. Besides, Jenna is curious person who is interested in many aspects of life, from TV shows to modern gadgets. Did I mention her excellent quizzes?

Second is Ziaullah , a person behind the nick BestFeeds. Respecting his privacy, I will only tell that he is a kind of a modern knight, fighting illnesses and diseases both in bodies and societies.

And last, but not the least, Vidocka. Truth to be told, I felt nervous addressing to a Supernova. Still that amazing author, and above all, a kind woman, accepted my invitation.

That’s all for the first day of Challenge. I hope I justified trust, that Albert Herdianto Widjojo who nominated me, had.