raw render (1/3) List item Submitted to "Witch Queen PVC – WIP" Approved by Alex Ledante January 24, 2019, 12:47 am 24 Views 11 Votes 9 Comments Share Tweet Pin I just added some extra zones but that’s about it MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by Alex Ledante facebook pinterest twitter 9 Comments Quite the bewitching witch unlike “Bewitched”. 1 My witch isn’t based on sitcoms, but older traditions… 1 Oh, I see. It looks really good. Well done 1 I’ve actually got a chibi witch, too. Lotsa witches lately… Bradley, Bradley, Bradley…. 1 She seems to be keeping abreast of things 2 Bradley “rimshot” Tremmil does it again! 1 Nothing regular about that girl. Oh, and well said, Bradley. 2 Bradley got in a zinger… 1
Quite the bewitching witch unlike “Bewitched”.
My witch isn’t based on sitcoms, but older traditions…
Oh, I see. It looks really good. Well done
I’ve actually got a chibi witch, too. Lotsa witches lately…
Bradley, Bradley, Bradley….
She seems to be keeping abreast of things
Bradley “rimshot” Tremmil does it again!
Nothing regular about that girl. Oh, and well said, Bradley.
Bradley got in a zinger…