Native American Tribes with Names that Begin with Letter W (1/10)

November is Native American Heritage in the USA.  There were or are hundreds of tribes all across America. But US history textbooks don’t mention many of the names.  My search led me to a List that provides the names of Native American tribes from A to Z.

There are 16 tribes with names that start with the letter “W”

  1. Wabanaki 

  2. Waccamaw 

  3. Waco 

  4. Wailaki 

  5. Walapai 

  6. Walla Walla 

  7. Wampanoag 

  8. Wappinger 

  9. Washoe 

  10. Watlala 

  11. Wea 

  12. Wenatchee 

  13. Wichita 

  14. Winnebago 

  15. Wiyot 

  16. Wyandot/Huron 

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