Continued List about Dissociative Identity Disorder (6/8)

16.Symptoms include at least two or more other personalities and some amnesia. They also experience some kind of distress. 

17.It is illegal to have sex with someone who is mentally ill, especially with this disorder, because not all personalities might agree to it, and it could be considered rape with the other personalities who refused. Wow, this is confusing. 

18.Be supportive and helpful with these people by helping them avoid switching. Help them become comfortable in their current situation so that they don’t need to switch to a personality that can help them deal with the current situation. 

19.They have experience memory gaps and past traumas that lead to such memory issue. 

20.A woman in London lives with 100 different personalities, and she has learned to deal with all of them by living a normal life. She wrote a book about her experience, All of Me by Kim Noble. 

21.Schizophrenia, Bipolar, and DID might be confused for each other. But they are actually very different. Schizophrenia has to do with hallucinations and delusions. Bipolar is manic depression, and has to do with mood swings. And, both of these disorders don’t have multiple personalities. 

22.DID people have to make special precautions because they need to take care of different personalities; and, each of these personalities might be a different age with a specific need. They often need to take notes for reminders to help them remember things. 

23.Roseanne Barr, a very annoying celebrity and an idiot, has 7 different personalities, which didn’t really help her much with her acting career because she sucks. There goes my theory that DID people would make good actors. Every time I see her on TV, she is the same piece of shit. She should have called the other personalities to come out and help her do certain roles. 

24.DID people aren’t necessarily dangerous. They are more likely to harm themselves than other people because they are likely to feel frustrated with their disorder. 

25.This disorder is come, and appears to be subtle. You might not recognize it in someone right away. It might be confused for other disorders, or it might be associated with substance abuse.