Blue Jay Pose (1/2) List item Submitted to "Beautiful Blue Jay" Approved by Carol DM December 18, 2017, 8:21 pm 21 Views 11 Votes 4 Comments Share Tweet Pin I was inside taking these photos just now. Will try to get out and take more later when they get used to the camera. MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by Carol DM 4 Comments Such a beautiful bird! 1 Thanks Ellie, they really are beautiful. It might be helpful to start getting them accustomed to your presence around them by putting up your big poster or photograph with the camera and putting it near that tray! 1 That is a thought, thanks! 1
It might be helpful to start getting them accustomed to your presence around them by putting up your big poster or photograph with the camera and putting it near that tray! 1
Such a beautiful bird!
Thanks Ellie, they really are beautiful.
It might be helpful to start getting them accustomed to your presence around them by putting up your big poster or photograph with the camera and putting it near that tray!
That is a thought, thanks!