A Winter’s Interlude . Part two . (2/2) List item Submitted to "A Winter’s Interlude" Approved by The Castle Grounds / Sir Gary Allen February 2, 2018, 4:03 am 18 Views 4 Votes 2 Comments Share Tweet Pin MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by The Castle Grounds / Sir Gary Allen 2 Comments Thanks Gary, they are unusual pets and do seem to bring along certain benefits,(No poo to pick up) Lol. 1 HAHAHA !! So true , NO POO !!! LOL !!! Thank you M’Knight , for your pause upon this chapter .
Thanks Gary, they are unusual pets and do seem to bring along certain benefits,(No poo to pick up) Lol. 1
Thanks Gary, they are unusual pets and do seem to bring along certain benefits,(No poo to pick up) Lol.
HAHAHA !! So true , NO POO !!! LOL !!!
Thank you M’Knight , for your pause upon this chapter .