Ouija: Origin of Evil is a 2016 American supernatural horror film and a prequel to the 2014 film Ouija. The film is about a board game called Ouija where unbeknownst to the family, has invited a spirit that possessed the youngest daughter after playing. That demonic entity is named Ghoul Marcus and was played by Doug Jones too.
@Deepizzaguy this face among others I think is the scariest haha
It is a very scary character.
yeah this one really scares me the most..very devilish to look at.. I really agree
Talk about a scary character that makes the late Boris Karloff look tame by comparison.
this one is not good for kids to see..they will really scream haha
Oh my gosh, he looks like the origin of evil. Those eyes.
haha this one is the scariest of them all 🙂