Wander project flowers in Annapolis! (5/15) List item Submitted to "Wander project flowers in Annapolis!" Approved by DocAndersen January 17, 2018, 11:05 am 21 Views 10 Votes 11 Comments Share Tweet Pin MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by DocAndersen One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!! tumblr youtube 11 Comments What a decoration on the road. 1 I agree. They have really done a nice job making a parking lot much nicer! Wonderfullll… nice flowers, really beatiful 1 Thanks! They have done a great job with the flowers! Gorgeous view of flowers 1 Thanks, Pam. I really love the way they laid out the parking area~ very nicely decorated, I like what the tree is in the middle. 2 The tree is really nice, I love taking pictures of it!~ Awwwwwww….beautiful flowers! 🙂 1 Thanks! Flowers are amazing when you stop and consider them! 1 Everything’s amazing when you take time for appreciation. 🙂
What a decoration on the road.
I agree. They have really done a nice job making a parking lot much nicer!
Wonderfullll… nice flowers, really beatiful
Thanks! They have done a great job with the flowers!
Gorgeous view of flowers
Thanks, Pam. I really love the way they laid out the parking area~
very nicely decorated, I like what the tree is in the middle.
The tree is really nice, I love taking pictures of it!~
Awwwwwww….beautiful flowers! 🙂
Thanks! Flowers are amazing when you stop and consider them!
Everything’s amazing when you take time for appreciation. 🙂