Norman Darlington (2/10)

Norman Darlington is currently earning 71,686 viril points and counting, that earned him a Supernova rank with 5 badges (Wordsmith Buddy, Loyal Buddy, Bookworm, Buddy Boss, Smarty Pants, and Beast). He has 131 total posts at the moment, 411 followers, and 30 compliments. Norman was the highest newcomer to make it on the top 10 spot previously at 3rd rank, but now he gained better at 2nd spot

His posts are exclusively for general knowledge quizzes and some other feature articles. He is nearly close to oscarps’ top spot for he actively posts his blogs and he once was my rival for 2nd spot, but now he earned it for what he deserves.

How good is your English (Part 1) was his first blog posted 5 months ago that currently earns him 29 up-votes1.3k shares, 534 viewsand 46 comments.

Congrats Norman! Aim for the top!

Written by Trafalgar Law