Apples -The Most Useful Fruit (1/2)

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90 percent of the weight of the apple is water, as we know, water, in every form, is very necessary for man. In addition, the apple also contains the following substances:

Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, P, E. Every one of them is very important for the person and is responsible for the development and maintenance of a certain part of our body:
Vitamin A is important for eyesight and skin;
Vitamin C strengthens our immune system, and also detoxifies toxic substances in our body;
Vitamin B1 is actively involved in metabolism;
Vitamin B2 is involved in digestion, and vitamin B6 is involved in fat metabolism;
Vitamin P has a pain-relieving effect and strengthens our whole body, while vitamin E is an important antioxidant and acts beneficial and relaxing on the human body.
There are 50 percent more useful ingredients in apples than citrus fruits and 80 percent more vitamin B2, which is also called the “appetite vitamin.” It is necessary for the normal processing of food and growth.
Apples also contain potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium and many others.
The information is taken from
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# Food # fruit # apples

Written by lacho59

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