13 – the sacred number of the moon religion (1/2)

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Most prehistory researchers are convinced that the meaning concealed in the symbolism of the number 13 is lost somewhere in the distant millennia, most clearly linked from the cult of the goddess goddess. And especially with the approximate coincidence (at least in today’s astronomical realities) between the cycles of female menstruation and the lunar 13 months and more precisely the thirteen new moons.

In the ancient lunar religion and the lunar calendar based on it, the main postulate is that the moon manages the water and the female fertility. the mystery of life and reincarnation. The eastern esoteric teachings state that the Moon is actually the mother of the earth, who is her own life, and although on the physical plane she seems to be dead, as a carefree parent she continues to walk around her baby.

Today’s biologists refuse to our ancestors an in-depth knowledge of physiology, such as dividing the egg after fertilization. And more precisely, the observed only at a microscope when the number of cells reaches twelve, and the thirteenth appears to be the ninety, which begins to distribute the functions, ie to direct the genetic design of the future organism.

The ancients not only knew it, but also believed that the 13th cage was actually the divine spirit and the immortal soul behind it, which was returning to a new cycle in the world of matter. Already since the Neolithic, archaeologists have revealed around the world ritual circles consisting of twelve stones and a 13th in the middle that served as an altar. Sustainable 12 + 1 is preserved after the decline of the moon religion, when the sun cult (the male principle) and the solar calendar respectively. Namely, the two cults intertwine in a particular way – the lunar calendar retains its mystical role, and the solar performs purely practical functions. Appreciation of God (the sun) as a man does not interfere with the preservation of the 13th, but with a new symbolism – twelve members + one leader.

Written by lacho59

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