
Wander project Wisconsin Dells part 3

I learned something on the go-kart track that day. First off all there is one person I know not to ever race with go-karts. My wife is extremely good at go-karts and extremely competitive when it comes to racing. I realized that her youngest child had inherited that trait when it came to racing from here. Nick passed me on the hill going up on the first go-kart track shaking his little fist at me as he passed. I never caught Nick.

In fact, we were in the second group of karts released; Nick passed every single driver in the first group. I passed most of the first group, but Nick was lapping the slower drivers. I realized that he was related to his mother. We then wandered over to the indoor water park. Before heading to the Dells, I had gotten the new Olympus Tough TG-1 camera. It was supposed to be waterproof, and we were going to test that theory.

Well, I wasn’t going to test that theory. I was holding all the dry clothes, towels and other gear for the kids. I was staying dry. Jakki, my daughter, took the camera into the water. When we get further into the trip (i.e., there are many more pictures to come) you will see the underwater photos. I realized, in posting all these various water activity pictures,  that of all the underwater pictures I have, Jakki had taken more than 80% of them over the years. She loves taking interesting and unique pictures.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!