
Wander project vaction day trip one!!!!

If I may wax poetic for a moment – yesterday was awesome. I am not a huge fan of shopping for clothes (or if one would like to know Fabric Shopping). But the shorts were dying. I guess walking 60 to 70 miles a week takes a lot out of me and a lot out of my shorts. I needed to get a couple more pairs of shorts. The other half of us duo decided we should wander to the Clarksburg Outlet Mall. The management decision made before the trip was that we were also going out to lunch (but not to the outlet mall food court as that has been pronounced less than favorable in Management’s eyes).

We decided to try a place in Damascus (no, not requiring a plane ride, still in Maryland). Called the Hornet’s NestGrill, it was (according to Management) the kind of place we like to go. We put the top down on the Convertible and went a long way to Damascus! I mean, we probably traveled twice as far as we needed to, but it was an amazing day. Low humidity, the sky was blue, and the temperature never really got above 84. Or, for those that have never ridden in a convertible, perfect convertible weather! So, the long way was not a problem. We probably could have gone via Baltimore, and Management wouldn’t have complained.

The place was amazing (I hate it when Management is right – it was our kind of place)! When lunch was made, we took the long double way back to the Outlet Mall. It is the Outlet mall, about 12 miles north of us. We were not overly concerned about crowds as the mall is open air. We both wore our masks the entire t8ime we were at the mall (except when we accidentally ordered Gelato)! I scored two great pairs of shorts. Management could not find shorts; we looked in several stores (including the cereal store – I didn’t know they sold shorts there)! The best part of luck, to end today? We didn’t get stung by the Hornet Nest Grill bill.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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