
Wander project Seattle, pictures of virtually nothing…

The funny thing about camera phones is the person with the phone. These pictures were taken at a meeting in Seattle. I would like to say that there was a rhyme or reason to the pictures but it just isn’t there. I took pictures of just about everything. I think for the most part because I was bored. Not all meetings are riveting. Some are at best boring, and I remember sitting at a table for this particular meeting taking pictures of other things.

I even took pictures of the pattern on the carpet.

I am not, on my travel blog going to complain about meetings. Most of the images are of a suit; I don’t know why I took them. I have never owned or worn a red shirt in my life. The rest of the images were taken out of windows.

I guess when you consider the reality of meetings and the sheer boredom of travel sometimes, what I was capturing was boredom.

Some of the other pictures are blurry but appear to be my fingers.

Oh well!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!