
Wander project Lake Lemon…

Before we moved to Maryland, we used to boat at a small lake just north of Bloomington Indiana called Lake Lemon. It was so named because the mayor of Bloomington at the time was Mayor Lemon. It was created by the US Army Corp of Engineers to reduce flooding. They would also build a lake south of Bloomington called Lake Monore. Lake Monroe is much bigger than Lake Lemon, but it is also a solid hour further south from Greenwood. We could be at Lake Lemon in about 35 minutes on a Sunday after the church was over.

So we did, most Sundays throughout the year. We would, another than in the winter, head down to the boat and tool around Lake Lemon. We had a wonderful boat, a Glastron and enjoyed being out on the lake. This particular trip was focused on an event we were going to later in the day, but for the most part, you get the idea. When I was a kid, we went to Lake Lemon a few times. Riddle Point was a beach on Lake Lemon.

As a young adult, we went to Lake Lemon more often. It was far closer to Bloomington than Lake Monore. Lake Monroe is a place best explored by boat. Not a canoe, which was the boat we had at the time. Lake Monroe is huge and paddling all around that 89 miles, or so shoreline would take many hours. Lake Lemon is a smaller lake and was also easier to get around. For us being in Greenwood, it was significantly closer, so we kept our boat there.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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